And what about the rest of the weekend?
Aside from the nice day spent getting the bone scan, I was my usual busy bee self. On Friday eve, my brother came over to continue the tile work on the shower. It really is looking beautiful. Saturday was spent working in the garden, doing some more weeding and pruning (or over-pruning as my gardener would say).
The evening found me at a book signing for a friend of mine who had written a book. The book is called Happy About Working To Stay Young (HAWTSY) by Jackie Hood. It is interesting with a number of anecdotes from mature working individuals. Jackie is a strong proponent of not retiring and continuing to work far into old age. Not my philosophy at all. I would rather be Happy About Playing To Stay Young but supported her none-the-less. It is really admirable that she actually had the discipline to sit down and write a whole book. I can't imagine myself ever doing that.
From the book signing, I went on to the beauty salon for a visit with Angie. She is truly wonderful as she pampers, plucks, waxes and hydrates my face and body. A little neck, shoulder, arm and hand massage thrown in tops it all off. 70 minutes later, I am truly feeling wonderfully relaxed and beautiful. I just found out that her birthday is the same day as mine also!
I ended the evening with a trip to the video store and some good movie watching complete with popcorn. Wish it would have been complete with my significant other/lover/date/etc. but that is another story.
On Sunday, I arose early to attend yoga. My body was still sore and tired from the gardening the day before and my balance seemed to be non-existant. I was fatigued and fell a lot. Just couldn't seem to hold the postures. Even so, I finished relaxed and happy.
After yoga, I made my usual foray into the farmer's market - buying cheese, eggs, vegetables, fruit and chocolate. I got some good Indian food to take home for lunch. A trip to the grocery store topped off the morning.
As I walked in, my brother was calling to say that he was on his way over. He came and completed the cutting and laying of the tile. It is beautiful and the shower is now more updated. Just the grouting and sealing left to do and then re-hanging the shower doors and changing the shower fixtures. I am very hopeful that I will have a working shower within the next 2 weeks (after 21 months of not having one). Woohoo! Big smile. giggle.
I helped him with the shower for a while and then headed off to my Reiki healer for a nice healing session. My body as I mentioned in my last entry has been abnormally achy and fatigued. The lower back pain and pain in my legs, hips and butt are just unbearable. I was so tired that I fell asleep during the session and didn't even realize she had left the room. I left feeling happy, relaxed and on the road to healing and recovery.
Back at home, I cooked dinner for myself and my brother and we had a nice meal together before he headed off home, promising to return the next week. I then settled in for some crossword puzzle and tv action.
Monday morning started with me welcoming the gardener at 9:15. I was excited that he would be doing some more work on the backyard. At first, I thought there wouldn't be much for him to do, especially since I had already been working back there on Saturday but it seemed there was more than I anticipated. I left him pulling and digging out weeds at 11:00 and headed off to the hospital to get my infusion of radioactive isotope. The poor technician had to search and search to find a semi-good vein and then held her breath while she tried to get the butterfly in. She did it on the first try and with little pain to me. We both let out our breath! ahhhhh.......... She gave me the injection and I headed off home.
On the way, I stopped by Bed, Bath and Beyond to pick up a new papertowel holder for under my kitchen counter since my brother had a battle with the other one and the papertowel holder lost. While I was there, I also picked up a new rug and toilet lid cover for my bathroom. I thought the new tile called for a fresh new lid and rug set. And, then, I saw a teak shower rack that was just too cool to pass up. I gotta love that store. It never fails to suck me in. There are just so many things there that you can't find anywhere else - at least not all in the same place or all very easily. And, they take all coupons - no matter how old and you can use multiples so I had one 20% off coupon for each item I purchased and they were dated from 2006!
I headed back home where I found the gardener still diligently pulling/digging weeds although he had stopped to do a little pruning and cleaning out around the plants. He took off for lunch and I had my own lunch. By the time he got back, it was 2:00 and time for me to head back to the hospital for my scan - having properly metabolized the radioactive isotope through my system. I arrived back and laid under the scanners while they slowly moved up my body creating an image of the front and back of my skeleton. I could see the sideways curvature of my spine which seemed to have gotten worse since my last scan - or maybe it was just the crooked way I was laying. I could see the ends of my bones where new cells were being built which showed up as bright spots of light. I could see the space between my hip bones about where my bladder would be that glowed particularly bright. I didn't see any other bright spots - which is good news - bright spots mean metabolization as in cancer cells busy replicating themselves- but then I didn't get a really good look and I am not a doctor or a radiologist. At the end, the technician with his usual poker face said good bye and let me go. It is so frustrating not to just hear the words, "you are fine" and have to wait to hear back from the doctor - ugh!
I headed back home and made another stop at BB and B although I got out without a purchase this time. My next stop was Orchard Supply to buy a blue-glazed garden hose pot. It is a nice looking pot with a hole in the bottom for the garden hose to feed through. You can then coil the hose in the pot instead of it laying on the ground or hanging on the wall. A nice alternative that blends nicely with the plants in the garden. I also bought a paint scraper since I have set a goal of scraping and painting the wood areas on the side yard so that area can gradually start to look less like a dump and more like a mediterranean/tropical fairyland. After a stop at Starbuck's (I think I deserved a mocha by this time), I returned home to find that the gardener had done a nice job of moving my Irises back into their bed after they had been marching themselves toward the water and on to the walkway for the last couple of years. He had also pruned one rose beautifully and done a whole lot more weeding.
We headed off to Summerwinds to buy plants and benderboard. He recommended another garden supply store that I will have to try in the future. Sounded like a wonderful place. We returned and he started putting in the benderboard while I planted the plants including purple fountain grass and a white, yes white, lavender - not blooming at the moment but should be interesting when it does. By then, it was dark and late. He hadn't finished all of the tasks I had given him but he had worked hard for 10 1/2 hours and I had put in my share of work for the day, too. He took off and I went inside to eat dinner and relax before heading off to bed.
The one good epilogue to this story is that I woke up on Tuesday with a migraine (probably dehydration) but not the usual aches and pains I had been experiencing. Even today, my body is feeling much better and no residual from the hard work of the weekend. That Reiki works wonders and I have to thank the Divine and all of the participating Saints and Ascended Masters for their great healing work.
Lets hope that my good health and strong body continue.........
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