SCIOS for diagnosing and treating what ails you
Today, I had the opportunity to try out the coolest new invention ever. It is called a SCIOS and is the latest development from the Quantum Physics geniuses of the world. The way it works is very simple.
You wear all of your clothes. No little funny hospital gowns here. The only thing you have to do is take off any jewelry that you don't normally sleep in - which for me included earrings, watch, finger rings. Next, a electrode halo is placed on your head and bands placed on each of your two wrists and two ankles. This "wires" you to the machine - somewhat like when you are doing an electrocardiogram. No pain or feeling involved.
The SCIOS is then activated and does a "handshake" with your body. By means of some sort of "waves" or "vibrations", it makes a diagnostic of over 10,000 items about your body. These include all of the basic functionalities we are familiar with from doctors offices - including liver, kidneys, bones, brain, heart, lungs, etc. but also include other items not usually checked on by doctors such as dehydration, nutritional levels, temperament balance, hormonal balances, blockage along the meridians (from Chinese medicine) of the body and more - too many more to describe here or even fathom in a one hour session.
The SCIOS can either work on items you are concerned about or it will choose for you the top 10 items it believes your body wants to work on. Interestingly enough the run on mine brought up physical stress, stress on my liver and kidneys, hydration, allergies and bone issues - all related to my last year of damage done to my body and the areas my body is trying to repair. It also came up with digestion - over and over - until finally the woman doing the demo asked me if I was hungry. I said no but I usually eat at 6:00. I didn't have my watch on so didn't know the time. She checked. It was exactly 6:00 and the SCIOS was picking up my hunger.
The scan also showed on my mental/emotional balance that I am a strong expresser of Perfection coupled with Curiosity and am Compulsive. Now we all know that but how did the SCIOS know it? I did no talking. This came up from the scan.
After the diagnostic is done, you can choose areas you would like the SCIOS to work on for you. Because this was a demo, we worked on several areas. One was the alignment of my spine. The SCIOS showed some compaction and a pinched nerve in my neck (C6) and some compression in my lower lumbar - both correct. It then proceeds to enable the body to treat these areas so that it can make the corrections.
Other treatments it ran were for general well-being, temperament balancing and a cancer reduction.
The woman that did the demo has been trying it out herself on her family. She was referred to me by another contact who has known her for over 15 years. She told me a story of her uncle that has a debilitating illness (Hodgkins?) and could not walk or get out of bed to go to the bathroom. She worked on him with the SCIOS for about 4 hours one evening and then went to bed. Her aunt came and told her that her uncle had gotten up by himself and gone to the bathroom several times in the night and that he was so excited that he came and KNELT down by her bed to touch her arm and wake her and tell her.
She is also working on her husbands asthma and wants to work on her own weight.
I, myself, don't know how much I believe in this SCIOS but I do know that it works on theories of self healing and Chinese medicine that I support. I do believe that we have within us the capabilities of making ourselves well - albeit sometimes with the help of acupuncture, reiki, exercise, nutrition or Western style medicine. After all, if we can make ourselves sick (psycosomatic illness becoming actual incident) why shouldn't we be able to make ourselves well? Our minds and bodies are incredible things that we just don't know enough about yet.
I really think that this is worthwhile to try out. Teresa has told me that she will do a demo for anyone that is interested. It only takes a group of about 6 people. Her office is too small to hold that many so having a place (someone's house) would also be helpful. Of course, she would like to build her client base but the demo doesn't cost anything. Just let me know if you are interested.
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