
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What's Up

Although I am thoroughly convinced that I have lost my large following, (Thank you my 2 dear readers) I continue to blog. After all, it is really notes to ourselves anyway, isn't it? Still, there is some thrill when my blog comes up on the screen and I see a number other than 0 after comments, meaning that, yes, someone else read what I had to say and had some of their own thoughts on it.

Anyway, it has been nearly two weeks. This part-time, Christmas job that I took - for fun and to get myself used to working again - is kicking my behind. I am not having fun and I am exhausted most of the time from the work. It has seriously affected other areas of my life - walking the dogs, getting house work and yard work done, visiting with my nieces and the rest of family and friends, painting, looking for a real job that could actually pay the bills (and maybe get me that plasma, HD TV I have been drooling for), completing the accounting for my one client that actually pays me and a far better salary than the Christmas job. So, it was a bad idea to take this job but, not being a quitter, I will stick with it until Jan. 7 when I will happily say, Happy New Year and bye!

Other stuff in the two weeks. Thanksgiving. Yum Yum. Definitely my favorite holiday. I love to eat and especially Turkey, stuffing, pies and all of the rest of the good Thanksgiving stuff. This year we had fried Turkey. I pictured something like KFC but only using a Turkey. Not like that at all and much better. It was the most delicious, moist Turkey I have ever tasted! And it was great having most of the family and some friends all together. Great day.

Football. USC has definitely recovered from the slight slump it had been in that led to its one loss at Oregon. After wins over Cal and Notre Dame, it has once again reached the lofty ranks of the top two college teams (BCS bowl-wise anyway) and barring a loss to UCLA Saturday, will most likely go on to play in the National Championship Game against Ohio in January. It has been one exciting season with a number of good games by other teams and some superb playing. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Saturday that USC can beat our cross-town rival UCLA.

Golf - got on the course for only the third time in my life (maybe fourth) and played 7 holes before sundown. Nothing spectacular but did have a good four-some who were all about the same skill level leading to fun for all since no one got too frustrated waiting for anyone else.

And speaking of Christmas specials, there is one on TV tonight on USAP channel called The Great American Christmas. It is narrated by Howie Mandel and follows six American "families" through Christmas. My friends were one of the families. It was filmed last year and part of the filming was done at a Christmas party I attended. We will see whether I ended up on the cutting room floor or whether you catch a sneak peak of me in the film. I will be watching at 9:00.

Thats about all of the news that is worth reporting at the moment.

One unfortunate thing. Only 2 days left in the month and I have not made my weight-in for WW yet. I am still 3lbs. over my limit so looks like I will have to pay this month. Darn! Need to get back down to weight in December. I will keep my fingers crossed for the next 2 days but it seems that my body is in somewhat of a revolt at the moment and the scale has been stuck at the same weight for about 2 weeks now. As we all know, there are worse things in life but, still, I worked so hard to get there, don't want to back-track now.


At 12:25 AM, Blogger snarfdog said...

We're still here, just not able to comment all the time (I so rarely get on a computer where I can do this anymore.)

Glad you liked the turkey.

Make more frequent shorter posts - they're easier to follow and respond to.

I wish I had known about that special earlier. We had it Tivo'ed, but it looked boring so I deleted it a few minutes in. If I'd known I had the potential to see my sis I would have watched more.

Wow! Way too long on the comments. Sorry.


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