Oh Peaceful Night
Last night, it rained and it rained hard and long right up until this morning. I had given Smokey a Xanax earlier in the day after coming home from the vet. He was not panicky but still not completely relaxed so I gave him another one (the vet told me it was okay). He was one happy dog then, his normal calm self, coming over to get petted, laying on the bed while I read. No panic attack. After awhile, he got down on the floor (his usual sleeping place), laid down and went to sleep and slept through the night despite the rain, thunder, winds and all of the other interesting weather conditions. I love storms and so I laid there happily listening to the rain on the roof while he slept, finally going to sleep myself. What a wonderful night! Thanks to the animal behaviourist and thanks to the vet and thanks most of all to xanax. For Smokey's sake and mine, I hope this continues to be the result.
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