
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Back again

Here I am. Back again. No, I have not been cheating by writing in another blog or even writing in a secret diary. Things have just gone from hectic to more hectic.

Since the last time..........

I did some accounting and bookkeeping.

I helped my friend pack up her apartment to move.

I worked many more hours on that "simple" needlepoint project. About 3/4 of the words are
done and none of the picture part yet.

I had my appointment with the dermatologist and scheduled a followup for in office surgery to remove 2 cysts (requiring stitches - ouch!)

I had my CT scan to check out my brain (do I have one or not?) That required an IV and they claimed that they couldn't use my mediport so I suffered through one miss - a big hole and bruise on my wrist- and one hit- a big hole a bruise in the crook of my elbow. I laid peacefully and quietly while the big, round ring whirred around my head, taking pictures as it went. Before I knew it, it was all over.

My rash continued to rage. The dermatologist said it is definitely not flea bites. He was surprised to see it had moved across my back. The itching is maddening. He changed the cream I was using to a stronger cortisone cream and will check again when I come back for surgery next week.

My surgeon called and we discussed next steps to take regarding this new "shadow" on my "good" breast. A MRI has been scheduled and we will see what that shows up. At the moment, we can only take it step by step. Against her better wishes, she did mention the PM words (prophylactic mastectomy). She directly said that she is not recommending it but just wanted to put it out there. It seems that my breasts are so lumpy, bumpy, dense that, even with ultrasound and MRI, they are afraid they may miss something. There is also the question of reconstruction and only having one chance at it. If something is found later, I can't go back to the same harvest area (the belly) for a second harvesting. Questions and confusion. That is how it is now. At least, I have a good surgeon and good medical support for the decisions this time around.

Our painting class did some more work on the "Matisse" project. Another relaxing and fun-filled evening.

The sun came out and the rain stopped - although it still hasn't warmed up much. It is nice to hear the birds singing again.

Thomas collapsed again. This time, the seizure lasted about 15 minutes (I timed it on the clock since we are trying to get a better idea of what is happening). 15 agonizing minutes for him and for me watching and holding him. He tried to get up but the back legs were so wobbly. He is so strong that he just willed himself to stand. I gently let him know that it was okay to lay back down and he did, his front toes gripping the carpet in a spasm. He was alert but his eyes were terrified and he was shaking like mad. He turned away any food or water. At last, he threw up everything he had eaten that morning even though it had been hours before. I went to get paper towels to clean it up and when I turned around, he was standing there, wagging his tail like nothing had happened. How wonderful the way dogs can live in the moment! I gave him his medicine which he happily took and then went and drank his water. It has been nearly 5 months since the last attack and I had thought we were past them. This new incident is very scary.

My friend Cathy found out that she is okay and her cancer scare is over. We are still waiting to hear about her husband.

And......on the dating side, bachelor #3 (the promising one), called me and is recovering from his motorcycle accident. We have tentatively set a new date. Hope this one works.

So, that was my week. Of course, there were lots of other normal, life things which I have forgotten or were too small to mention but those are the big things I remember. I don't know how other people's weeks go, but I could certainly use a little less excitement in mine (at least certain types of excitement)

And, now, I am off to WW again. No 5 lb. star this week but I am still working at it.


At 8:42 PM, Blogger snarfdog said...

OMG, I'm so sorry to hear about all that you've been through this week, and poor Thomas. I know that look. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Seajade said...

Thanks so much Susan! It is good to know that you are there.


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