Never a dull moment
Wow! so much is happening so fast that it boggles my mind.
First of all, yesterday, I called Hayward PS in the morning and did get my appt. for Mar 1 with the new PS. Lets hope all of that goes well.
Next was my Herceptin infusion which meant that I saw my NP. After describing the brain pains I have been having, (Wierd, shooting pains inside my skull. Don't hurt my eyes or sight but do make them feel "affected" ) she decided that a CT scan for my brain was in order so that is scheduled for next Tuesday. Then, I went to my Herceptin treatment. No big excitement there except for they got these nice, new chairs with built in steps to get up and down and neat handles to make them easy to recline. They also seem to rock just a bit. Cool!
My next stop was the Ultrasound department. Well, that started off a bit on the wrong foot (or wrong breast you might say). The Mammo group described a lump in my RIGHT breast and recommended ultrasound for my RIGHT breast. Altogether, they mentioned the RIGHT breast three times in their report. Imagine the US technicians feeling when I told her good luck with that. I have no RIGHT breast. I think she was a bit shocked as she reread the report to me and asked me twice if I was sure. Hmmmmmm......... I was sure. Anyway, we got that straightened out and she started the US. She asked where the lumps were and I started from the largest, which she could feel also, and moved around to the many other lumps. She saw a "shadow" - not what you want to hear when you are looking for cancer. She was being very thorough which made me feel good. Then she left and went and pulled my mammos from this year and last year and my US from last year. She came back and looked some more and then went and got the Radiologist who came in and introduced herself as Dr. --. The radiologist moved the US monitor over my breast and also found the same "shadow" as well as a few others. This went on for a while. She said that she really thinks it is nothing and would like to say so but, with my history, "nothing" has been something so she doesn't want to take a chance. It was interesting watching the monitor and hearing her explain as she moved the monitor around - there is a lymph node, there is a clip, there is some scarring, etc. They took lots of pictures and she said she wanted to discuss it with Dr. K, my surgeon. I mentioned the MRI I had last year and she said that may be the way to go - to do another one and look for changes - since that may be the only way to detect anything in my breast. She said I was "difficult" and I told her that I didn't think she would find anyone to argue with her on that one. She smiled. :) Now, I am just waiting to hear from Dr. K and see what the next step is. I do have an appt. with her on Feb. 24.
Then, I went to visit Susan, Stacey and the babies. Susan was working on her quilt and just Riley was up so I took a couple of spare pieces of cloth and wrapped them around her wrist like Wonder Woman armbands. She seemed quite pleased by this - walking around with her arms out in front of her and showed them to Stacey when Stacey came in. Then, Samantha got up and we all played with some of their toys. Samantha was standing on her toy shelf and said, "aMantha, aMantha, aMantha" 3x. It was the first time, I heard her say her name. She was obviously proud.
I went home and had some dinner while I talked to a few friends. Although, initially, I wasn't worried about the US, it seems that over the afternoon, the reality seemed to set in and it started to weigh on my mind a bit.
Today, I think I might hear some more on it.
Which brings us to this morning and the update on my dating life. Bachelor #1 (Mr. Speedy) seems to have decided to reappear. At least, he sented an email wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day. Bachelor #3, who sounded promising, has not called with a place for our date. I checked and found that he is no longer on-line (happens sometime) so sent an email to his personal email that he had given me. Lets see if he responds to that one.
Besides that, I have another Drs. appt. today and maybe a Dermatologist appt. since Kaiser has now recommended that I see a derm specialist once/year. What fun!
I am sure that this is all terribly boring to anyone but me, but hey, I am writing this for myself, right? And with my chemobrain, this may be the only way that I can remember anything.
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