
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Maintenance - strange things the body does

Here it is - WW day again. I still have 4 weeks of maintenance before I can become a lifetime member. After today, it will be 3 weeks.

As mentioned in earlier posts, I had a bit of a splurge this week - celebrating the end of my official recovery period from my surgery and just plain enjoying one of summer's pleasures - ice cream - and another of life's pleasures - chocolate.

So, here is how it went:

Last Thursday, I bought 1/2 gallon of Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Hot Fudge Sauce and Organic Whipping Cream in the Can - yum! yum! yum! I tried, really I did, to share is with my Sister and her family but, alas, no such luck! After that, I went home and had a nice BIG hot fudge sundae. As if that were not enough, after dinner, I had another one.

On Friday, I fully expected at least a 2 lb weight gain on the scale. Not to be. I was down .8lbs! Friday, I continued to consume the rest of the goodies in 2 more HUGE ice cream sundaes.

On Saturday, I was sure that would show up on the scale. No! My weight was exactly the same. At that point, could I let sleeping dogs lie? (Sorry Smokey and Thomas). No! I dug out the gift certificate for 1 lb. See's chocolates that I received for Christmas and had been saving for the right time. I guess Saturday was the right time. I eagerly drove off to See's and chose my pound of chocolates - piece by piece - caramels, marshmallows, truffles - most dark chocolates and chewy - my favorites.

My objective was to have a few pieces, freeze the rest and just have a piece now and then. Not to be. This chocolate urge had just grabbed and had me completely trapped in its jaws. I am guessing that is what 6 weeks of deprivation will do for you. :)

I ate my few pieces, then went back for more. And then more after dinner. On Sunday, I finished off the box - all 20 pieces - yum! yum! Now, you would think this had done something to the scale but NO! - still the same weight.

I felt like I was really pushing my luck (not to mention my weight) by this time so, having had my splurge, I resumed my usually healthy lifestyle. The rest of Sunday and Monday were the normal. The scale still showed no change. On Tuesday, I was running around, busy with lots of things and didn't have time to cook dinner so I ran to Safeway and grabbed a Cobb Salad from the deli which I then took home and consumed.

On Wednesday, I got on the scale and was up 1.5 lbs. - SHOCK! Could that salad really have done more than Ice Cream Sundaes and Sees Chocolate. Maybe the dressing or the salt - Who knows?

This morning, about .7lbs had dropped off but I am still going into WW with an intrepid feeling. I don't want to mess up this maintenance now when I am so close. Oh Lord, let me pass the weigh in please!

And no more Safeway salads for me!


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