
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I cried and cried and then I laughed

Well, I have cried and cried all day. I completely forgot that I had gone to the pet food store and bought food, pigs ears and toys for the dogs. I talked and cried to poor Lena but ended up laughing over my recent silly and psycho dates before the call ended. Cried to Dad and Mom. Cried to the Disability lady (some government workers are so nice). Cried to the Dogs. Went to my young women's support group and didn't cry. Something about the moderator puts me off. Don't think I will go back there. No one else seems to ever go back either and seems like there are always only 1 or 2 people there. But anyway........I finally remembered the dogs' pigs ears and toys when I went to feed them dinner. They loved the pigs ears and when they had finished I gave Thomas his toy (Smokey doesn't usually play with toys). It was a cute bunny rabbit that grunted when you pressed its belly. It also had squeakers in its feet. Thomas got such a kick out of the grunt, grunt, grunt. He was sprawled on the floor, back legs straight out behind him and tail straight in the air wagging with his nose pressing and pressing the toy which was going grunt, grunt, grunt. I laughed so hard. It was so funny. Dog therapy is so good. The only thing better is baby therapy. Unfortunately, the babies were out and about today and I didn't see them. But I still had my dog therapy and it was goooood.


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