Exercise, Discipline, Affection
No. That is not the recipe for catching a good man (or training one). It is the mantra of Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer. You can catch him on the National Geographic Channel. I am a big fan and went to see him give a seminar yesterday. Not only does he have a way with dogs and with people but he is also very funny. We all laughed so hard at him while, at the same time, learning how to be calm assertive with our dogs so that they could become more stabile and enter into a calm submissive states of mind.
I have used his techniques on my dogs and they have helped out a lot although I still need more training on handling Thomas. Thomas is quickly becoming rehabilitated and today we were able to walk by all of the "hot" doggie zones without him barking once. For the most part, he was good on the leash too although at one point, he did make himself gag. I quickly relaxed him so that he would stop gagging. With his heavy panting, a number of passersby comment on him working hard or being tired. That is just his way. Smokey is right beside him and not panting at all. We walk to the park and I let him drink all he wants out of the drinking fountain but he still pants.
Anyway, back to Cesar. He is a funny guy and really great with the dogs. His body posture says it all and during the seminar, he showed us several times how changes in body posture could change energy. It was amazing but, as people, we could really feel the change in energy. It is all too hard to explain. You just have to watch the show on T.V.
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