Life is like that.....
This entry goes out to Lorraine. Thanks for your uplifting comment. It is true I haven't written in a few weeks so here is an update.
1. Sometimes magic happens........... I wrote the last entry when I was in the deepest of my agonizing, pain and fatigue and beginning to despair over ever feeling any semblance of myself again. WELL (big breath here), on Sept 11, I had another Herceptin infusion. These start off with a visit to either my NP or MD. In this case, it was the NP who I adore. She asked how I was doing. Instead of saying fine, thanks like I usually do, I decided to tell the truth. I told her of the aches, pains, fatigue. She said that it can take a year or more to recover and that she didn't know what else could be done. She did listen ever so sympathetically though for which I was thankful. Then the magic happened. That very night, I had a normal sleep. Not 13 - 14 hours but a regular 7 1/2 hours. I woke up feeling refreshed. The aches were gone. The fatigue was gone. Magic.
After that, I felt more motivated to participate in life once again.
2. The following week was full of activity. Taking the car in for servicing where at last they fixed the squeak in the brakes, training with Thomas, attending the grand opening of the new Los Altos Whole Foods (yummy samples), visiting my girls (the twins), coordinating a demo of the SCIOS, visit to CBHP open house and reconnecting with Dr. Boohar, the radiation oncologist so helpful in my decision to do radiation, becoming a buddy to another new cancer patient and, of course, Dragon Boat practice in the bay. Whew!
3. Work - The stars must all be properly aligned in the work quadrant (or whatever you call it). First of all, a referral from last February called me to see if I could do her accounting for her. I met with her and all was arranged. Then, another client called and we worked out a barter so that I could have work on my landscaping in return for accounting work. Then, I got a referral from a friend for a job lead as a merchandiser and went on that interview. I received the callback today on that one and, literally, as I was on the phone discussing it, another call came in for a finance job. I am going on that interview tomorrow. All, without sending out a resume! Amazing. I haven't started looking yet but, certainly, would not turn down anything good that comes my way.
4. Other stuff - Saw Sweet Charity at AMTSJ (a good start to the season), started a new yoga class and reconnected with some old acquaintances from a former class, lots of painting (of course), drank my 15 year old, $300 (or so) bottle of wine that had leaked and I was afraid turned to vinegar (it didn't - so smooth, so tasty) and competed in my first Dragon Boat race at Treasure Island in SF. I was the lead paddler (1st seat - pace setter). We came in last but were so pleased to finish. It was loads of fun.
That is about it and I should go relax and prepare (rest) for my interview tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Thanks again Lorraine! Hope you get a chance to read this one.
Cathleen -
I'm so glad I could bump up your spirits! Good luck on the interview.
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