
Monday, August 28, 2006

2 steps forward, 1 step back

Reinspired by Cesar, I decided to work with the dogs separately this morning. Smokey came out first and it broke my heart to hear Thomas literally crying like a little puppy to be left behind. Still, I think it is for the best. Smokey's walks are being overshadowed by the attention to Thomas' discipline and I noticed that Smokey had started to cringe when seeing other dogs in anticipation of Thomas' reaction. This was not good for him or good for Thomas.

Only half a block into our walk, Smokey and I were lucky enough to come up to a dog playing in the front yard with its master - a woman I had seen before but didn't know. I asked if it was okay to introduce them and she said yes. Her dog was very calm and playful. A few corrections to Smokey from me and one from her dog and he was soon relaxed and playing in her yard. Time for us to move on. We took a nice long walk over by Peet's and Piazza's and down San Antonio so that he could be exposed to the loud sounds of trucks banging that make him nervous. He did very well and we soon arrived back home.

Thomas was so excited sniffing Smokey to see where he had been that he didn't even notice the leash and collar I was holding for him. He calmly accepted them and we headed out the door. Of course, Smokey wanted to come but stayed back when I told him to (after a couple of practices). He didn't cry but barked - stopping once we were out of sight.

I walked Thomas around the dog course - past doggie corner, doggie row and the infamous doggie gate. He did fine in the beginning although still having some problems with his heel. When we reached doggie row, it got too much for him and he started barking (though not lunging). He sat which was good but kept on barking. I started to lose my cool while trying to remind myself to stay calm assertive not excited crazy. It wasn't working. Then a neighbor came walking by with her old German Shepherd and Thomas went into a new frenzy. I tried choking up as the trainer had said which choked Thomas but didn't hurt him and didn't stop him either. Finally, I decided just to walk because I couldn't maintain my cool. I am sure that folks watching thought I was being so cruel but Thomas was not being hurt or abused. I love him too much for that. One woman pushing a baby stroller with twins went by and gave me the dirtiest look. I felt so bad and wished I could assure her that Thomas was alright. I don't hit, beat, kick or do anything to hurt him. Just trying to work with his manners so that he can be around other dogs.

Well, on we went with the walk. We were coming up to Dog Gate. Thomas always goes a little crazy here. I never hear the dog there anymore and wonder if he has passed away. Thomas still reacts and did so this time. However, he didn't go entirely crazy and I was able to get him around to a sit fairly easily and we resumed our walk out to Rengstorff and down by the park. Two more little dogs across the street. I gave Thomas his corrections and remained calm. He barked and lunged but soon figured out that I was walking the other way and did his best to stay by my side while still trying to see what was going on with the other dogs. The kids playing in the park soon caught his attention. He wanted to play, too. I kept him by my side and the little kids came and stared and giggled and smiled. He took it all very well and happily stayed by my side. This was a lot of stimulation for him this morning so I walked him over to HP where he could just work with me. We worked on turns until he was walking by my side with the leash hanging loose down at his side. He did very well and we reentered the neighborhood where he walked on a loose leash at my side all the way home. He is such a good boy. I wish I knew what the issue was with other dogs (although he gets along fine with Smokey).

This was two hours of exercise for me and I will try to work with them as much as possible each day. Good for now but when I am working at a job? Oh well, cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I am hoping to overcome this dog problem and stop having the neighbors look at me like I am a meany when walking Thomas around other dogs. When it is just Thomas and I with no other dogs, they come up and talk and are friendly (With Smokey, they all smile and greet me). Why do I care? Because I love my dogs and want them to be good citizens so that every one else loves them, too. Most of all, I want them to be safe and not hurt themselves or have anyone else (man or beast) want to hurt them.

Wow! Okay. That is enough about the dogs, huh? I am not really a crazy dog lady. :) Just posting my day.


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