
Thursday, January 18, 2007


Yes. As most or all of you know, I am a survivor (2 years on March 15). Now, I am trying to become a Survivor. The kind that wins a million dollars. I went down to Monterey today to go to the casting call for the show. Wasn't a total zoo as I expected. Got right in and sat relaxed at a table until I was called about 1 hr. later. Pretty exciting.

On other news (guys, you might want to stop reading here), I had my own little miracle last week. After having my hormones tested last year and being told that my Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol didn't even show up as a blip on the scale and that my FSH (Follicular Stimulation Hormone) was a 60 which is the equivalent of a 70 year old, very post-menopausal woman, I was told to more or less give up on my body recovering from the chemo induced menopause that it was in. This caused me major concern since the bones and mind do much better the longer your body is hormone producing and following its natural path to old age. My bones were tested and did indeed show a 14% deterioration from my pre-chemo density which was already not that great. A woman of 45 has an 80% of going post-menopausal with chemotherapy. I fell into the 80% category and was told to give up hope of reversing the effect.

As you probably know, I am not one to give up. I read up on alternatives for balancing the hormones and re-establishing normal body functions. I was all set to try to find a doctor who did saliva testing and hormone balancing when I was introduced to the woman with the SCIOS machine. I understood the concept of working with the body's energy since I had been doing Reiki and Pranic Healing since my diagnosis with miraculous results. I spoke with my Reiki Master and asked her to do focused energy work on my ovaries. I also worked with the SCIOS machine on the same thing. 5 months and 3 SCIOS treatments and 2 treatments from my Reiki Master later, I got my period - a true miracle and attributable to these alternative therapies. I went to my gynecologist and she ultra-sounded and measured my uterus - declaring it normal. She ran a test of my FSH and it came back 18.8! Anything below 20 is considered pre-menopausal. She told me that I was not yet in menopause. So I went from post-menopausal with no hope to being pre-menopausal. Truly amazing. I am so thankful. This means that my bones and mind have a better chance to remain strong than they would have otherwise and that my body is taking one more step back towards normal after the ravages of the last 2 years.

And now, I am looking for the SURVIVOR miracle. Please get me on the program and let me win the million dollars!


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