Yes. I am super grateful for the salary this current engagement brings in and I do hesitate to complain......
But...ohhhhh...I must have an outlet here. I am BORED. There are few things more difficult than trying to fill out an 8 hour day when there is not enough work to do. And, the work that is there is BORING. Writing Policy and Process documents is just not my thing. Yawn! Can't keep my eyes open....
The walking in the mornings is going well. 20 days now....1.5 miles/morning. Jogging briefly now. The dogs continue to do well. Thomas' eyes are much clearer. His coat is softer and fuller and his moldy belly is cleared up. His fat lump in his side has shrunk and is almost unnoticeable now. Both of them are happy and content and my house is, too. As for me, the walks are nice, not always relaxing (depending on the quirkyness of the dogs that day) and I haven't lost even one pound. And that includes the 1/2 hour I walk at lunch time, packing my lunch, cooking my own dinner (all within WW standards), Curves workout 3X/week, 1 hour with Personal Trainer on Sat and 1 1/2 hour yoga on Sundays. Needless to say, it is frustrating. By the end of last week, I was on edge, even during the walks. Couldn't figure out why. Nothing seemed to be stressing me (imagine that). When I came back to work this Monday, the answer was there for me. After a relaxing weekend, I was once again on edge.
The commute is killing, the work is boring and there isn't enough of it and, last week, the manager had the nerve to question my integrity about whether I was really putting in 8 hours/day. Yes. I am and working much more quickly and efficiently than the other staff. If he wanted to, he could give me much more to do. I would be happy. It would be a lot better than twiddling my thumbs for 8 hours.
But, again........I AM GRATEFUL for the paycheck. Just needed a sec to vent.
And, BTW, the post-C event lasted just over 36 hours and then I was okay again. I dragged myself through what I needed to do and got the dogs out on their walk. Everything has resided to a more or less normal state right now, except for the weight which may be related to post-C, job boredom and stress or who the heck knows what. Just hope that passes soon, too.
Peace to all today!
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