
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The end of Radiation Autumn

'Twas the winter of our discontent...........

oops! that is another story entirely. Back to this one.

Radiation autumn ended today with the last of my 28 days of treatment. I have to say that it was very emotional for me after seeing the same team every morning for six weeks now. They gave me a diploma and there were hugs all around. I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes. They said they would miss my treats and that I could come back to visit. I agreed but only if I didn't have to lay on the radiation bed anymore. My skin weathered it fine and they told me it still looks good. The peeling and rawness have stopped and I should be better soon. Thank you Mom and Dad for the good genes.

This is one more milestone down and now only the next 10 months of Herceptin and reconstruction to go........


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Well Hoorah for you!!! I am so happy for you that you won´t have to deal with that shit anymore! Although I know it must have been hell for you to go through these treatments... I have to ask you now that it is over... Do you now feel as if there is nothing that can hold you down? In other words... do you now feel like you can beat anything that life hands you? Has this whole ordeal made you stronger? Do you feel invincible? How has this whole experiance changed the way that you look at the world. I gotta know! Please describe for me the person you were before and the person you are now and then please tell me who you are going to be in the future. What has changed in you? What is the first thing that makes you smile every morning and what do you think of as you are drifting off too sleep? (After the barefoot joe Montanna stuff) What makes you tick Cathy!! Do you feel anger, pain, love, pitty, lust, greed and all the other things that most people seem to be filled with or have you elevated above all the petty shit and now focus on something more important? What was your biggest dream before and after the cancer scare. Sorry to be nosey, but it is not every day one gets to ask somebody questions like this. Because you have been through this situation and came out on top I thought I would ask you in the hopes that possibly you could help me to understand what it feels like to do battle with the mighty ``C´´ and come out on top. I also thought that possibly you would rather hear this than some comments about being strong and all that other stuff. I know that you are strong.. know that you have kept a possitive attitude and bla bla bla.... Trust me when I say that I am not so sure that I could be so strong in the same situation. HEY!!! You Da man!!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Seajade said...

You totally crack me up. :) It is you and everyone else around me that have given me the strength you see. That, and the way I look at it, you either do it or you die and I didn't want to die so figured I had no other choice but to keep strong. Am I different? No. Do I feel invincible? No. But I do feel that after going through chemo, I can go through anything and I probably have less patience with complaining, whining and bickering. Life's too short. Lets try to spend it on loving each other. That is my thought anyway. The first thing that makes me smile in the morning is still waking up with my dogs and seeing the waggy tails. The last thing at night...well, how can you beat Joe Montana and all of his barefoot football buddies? Tight ends rule! All of the other emotions I still feel. Want to keep a healthy balance and not die from happiness! :) Of course, the rest of the world is around to make sure I get my healthy dose of problems..er..challenges..er..opportunities? Whatever the PC word is for today. Just hope that you or no one else you know ever has to go through this, but, if they do, keep your same caring sense of humor and keep 'em laughing. They will love you for it as I do.....

And, by the way, when are you going to update your blog? We are waiting to hear from you buddy!


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