
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Radiation #25 - 3 more to go!

I am now off to radiation number 25. Only 3 more to go after this one. The burn is finally here. Yesterday, my arm pit peeled. Yes, you read right - my armpit. You know what happens when you get too much sun (although, with all of the sunscreens, few of us do that anymore) and then it peels. Well, that is what is happening to my armpit. It will probably be the only time in my life that this happens since I don't usually go around exposing my armpit to the suns rays for long periods of time.

Anyway, they say that I am still lucky. The rest of the radiation site (my chest) is a healthy pinkish brown, starting to look like a dark tan but not peeling. I am diligently applying the Biafine, a cream for 3rd degree burns, to my chest and armpit 3 - 4 times daily. This doesn't leave much room for going out of the house but will just hang for about a week or so. Three more days of this and then about a month of healing.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger snarfdog said...

woo hoo! Happy dancing over here - will happy dance party (a degree stronger than just happy dancing) for you when the treatments are all done.


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