
Thursday, November 10, 2005

How to cure your fast food habit or Crunch Crunch Bang Bang

Today was a very long day. Started off with radiation. Then WW. Then on to Kaiser to get my blood drawn. The lady was very good but, of course, it was still nearly impossible since I have no good veins anymore. She looked at the crook of my arm and said she saw one. I looked and looked but couln't for the life of me see one where she was looking. She stuck the needle in and I think it just about went through to the other side. No blood. Wiggle, wiggle. "I see blood", she said but she might as well have said, "I see dead people" because I sure didn't see any blood. She attached the test tube and said, "just one more wiggle. sorry. sorry" and after what seemed forever of excrutiating pain, the blood came roaring out. The tube was filled and I was done. "That was hard", she said. I thanked her.

Then came lunch with my friend Susan and then off to Melissa for an eyebrow wax. Two weeks before, I had no eyebrows but they had grown in with a vengeance and I now looked like Groucho Marx. Melissa said that she wouldn't recommend chemo but that it seemed to have helped my eyebrows to grow back and fill in much nicer than before the chemo. oh boy! She had to do a lot of waxing, plucking and trimming but finally tamed the wild things back into place.

Finally, I had a meeting this evening and being too tired to pull anything together, I decided to run by McDonald's and pick up something. Fatal mistake! I ordered my food, went through the drivethrough and into the exit lane for the parking lot. There are 2 arrows here. One goes in and the other goes out. I was sitting on the out arrow with my right blinker on. There were lots of cars coming down the street, including some that were turning into the parking lot. If I was sitting in their lane, they wouldn't be able to turn in but I wasn't. I was in my own lane so they turned in just fine. I waited a long time. Maybe 3 minutes. Maybe 5 or more. Finally, there came a break in traffic. I checked both ways and pulled out. Next thing I knew, I heard crunch, grind, crunch on my right (passenger side). There was a car there. This woman had decided, she was going to try to squeeze between me and the curb and make a right turn. There was no lane there. Not even room for another car. What was she thinking? I turned off my car and walked around to her. I asked her, "Why did you hit my car?" She said she thought I was turning left and thought she could get in there. I said, "Didn't you see my right blinker on?" and she said no. Her car was running this whole time. I told her she might want to turn it off, all the while thinking her front end was still glued to the side of my car and not wanting a fire on top of everything else. She turned her car off and called her husband. I called the police. I asked for her insurance and license but she told me she had to wait for her husband to get there. Her husband came before the police and he gave me the insurance and license and took mine. The police came and asked what happened. The husband did all of the talking until he finally admitted that he wasn't there and the policeman told him he had to talk to the wife. I told the police my story and then she said that we both pulled up at the same time. The policeman told her that he didn't want to say she was lying but didn't see how we could both fit side by side. He asked who got there first and she said she didn't know. He said that Krispy Kreme and McDonald's both have cameras they can check and she still said she couldn't remember (totally different story than before her husband came). The policeman checked my blinker to make sure it was working. Then he told me that he wasn't sure how it would be decided but thought it would come down to who was there first and it appeared to be me so would probably go my way. I hope so but don't think I will be going to McDonald's again anytime soon.

To top things off, I got home and Thomas had decided it was time to re-decorate the house again. His toy basket was all torn up (it was only 1 month old) and the toys were all over. Somehow, he had gotten a book out of the bookshelf and torn that up too. The kitchen rug was half dragged into the living room. I knew the minute I walked in the door that something was up because he was slinking along on his belly instead of running up to be petted. I told him he was bad, picked up a few things and then called him over, gave him a bone and said good dog, hoping that he would associate "chewing the bone" with "good dog" and not think about house decorating again. Good luck!

So now I am sitting here thinking of what I have to be thankful for today and I have to say that I am thankful for lunch with my friend, Susan. I am thankful for having a talented "blood drawer" and I am thankful for Melissa who made my eyebrows beautiful and told me I looked sexy like someone from LA with my newly growing in hair.


At 11:47 PM, Blogger snarfdog said...

OMG, what a sucky day, but kudos to you for finding the silver lining. That can truly get you through anything.


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