
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ok. I got tapped

This is for Susan and the new tappees as well as anyone else who cares:

5 nicknames you have or had:
hmmm.... this is tough....no one ever really seemed to give me nicknames

Roly-Poly (7th grade)
SuMiSuWiKu (not really a nickname but what they called me at work in Japan)
KaShii-san (what everyone else called me in Japan)

5 sweet treats you like to eat:

Chocolate Bunnies (mmmmm....)
Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Starbuck's Cafe Mocha
Strawberry Shortcake made with Angel Food Cake
Grasshoppers or Girl Scout Thin Mints (same thing)

5 things people would be surprised you have:

A Brain?
Scuba Gear (except for my friends and family)
Stuffed Animals
Leather Pants
My First Communion Missallette

5 fabulous celebrations:

35th Birthday Party
Golman Sachs opening at the Hall of the People in Beijing, China
Boob Party
4th of July in Constitution Park with the Beach Boys, Wash DC
Every party/family/friend gathering for the last 47 years

5 Things You Would Like to Have:

A Bank Full of Money so I wouldn't have to work anymore
If I can't have the money, then a job
A rich husband
Any husband
A sugar daddy

Is there a trend here?

5 cool presents you've received:

Handprint quilt
1st class airline tickets to Hong Kong and to Beijing (separate trips)

Massive amounts of support from my sister, Susan, sister Linda, Dad, my dogs,the
rest of my family and friends, that has been responsible for me making it through the last year and a half. Without all of you, I would have been lost.

Paintings and art creations from my friend Cathy

5 books you've read in the past 5 years:

I'll pass on all of the kids' books except for one "Winnie the Pooh's Songs to Go Potty By" Don't know the real name. All I know is that is the request every time the girls go potty. Don't know how they stand my singing but they do. As for me, I am just amused by the Cuddle Buddies that Pooh is meeting at the train station. hmmmm..

The Breast Book
Reconstructing Aphrodite
James Herriott's Dog Stories
Harry Potter
Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events (The Whole Series)
C.S. Lewis Tales of Narnia (The Whole Series)

Ooops! That was more than 5. I did have a little time to read over the last year.

5 slang terms you use regularly:

You Know (hate that one and gave it up in Japan but it came back when I became a California Girl again)


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