
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Warning-Cancer-related Post

This morning, I got my period again - exactly one month to the day from when I had it last month. Some of you may be saying, "Why is this a big deal?" or "That is not a reason to celebrate. I would celebrate NOT having my period". Well, I totally understand.

But, let me explain why it is a big deal to me. There are benefits to your body of delaying menopause. Among them are two that are very important to me. The first is that the hormones related to monthly cycles also delay the onset of boneloss and resulting osteoporosis. It is beneficial to us as human beings to delay bone loss for as long as possible. The second benefit is that the same hormones aid in the functioning of the brain - particularly the area of memory. Delaying menopause also delays the effects of the hormonal changes on the brain.

So, that is why it is a big deal to me.

The other question you may have is, "Why is it a big deal NOW?"

And, that brings us to the cancer bit. As part of my treatment for Breast Cancer, I went through chemotherapy and that chemotherapy shut down the operation of my ovaries and really messed with my hormones although, at the time, I was no where near menopause. For women in their 20's, there is a small chance that they will resume their normal cycles. Once they hit their 30's, the chance is further reduced and, in their 40's, it is almost nil. Kiss a normal menopause goodbye and welcome to all of the woes of old age - decades early. For not only are you forced through early menopause but the whole 10+ years process is compacted into about 4 months. Your body ages over 10 years in that time!

I, like the others, stopped my periods. A year went by and no periods. But then, 16 months later, I had a period. Testing showed my FSH levels back to normal for a pre-menopausal woman. A miracle. My life seemed to have returned to the pre-chemo phase. But, then the next month came and...no period...and the next and.....no period. After 14 months, I had given up and just guessed that it was all a fluke. But then, almost exactly 3 years since my original diagnosis and 2 1/2 years after chemo, I seem to have fallen into a normal cycle again. For, not only did I have another period after 14 months, but I again had a period this month - 2 in a row!

So now, maybe I can go through menopause like everyone else - at the right time for me. And, in the meantime, hope that my bones and brains can be preserved a little longer.........


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