
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well, it is 10:43 PM

and life has definitely gone on.

So much happening so quickly and I just can't keep up.

I realize that in my earlier posts I neglected to mention the new photos I had added to my stream. Of course, there were a few paintings. But I also added the photo of me in front of the house from Rocky Horror Picture Show which happens to be in England quite close to Windsor. I also took a photo of the penguin boys at Eton. This was on a Saturday and they still had to wear their tails (or Morning Suits as they are called in England). Like American kids with school uniforms, these guys have their own ways of expressing themselves. I saw many a pair of socks in yellow, purple or with cartoon characters on them.

Party plans have progressed and are close to becoming solidified. The guest list is close to complete with only one couple who have not yet responded. Some of the folks (old friends and relatives) did not send back their RSVP cards - most likely believeing that their verbal response was enough. Still, the card was there already with a stamp and would not have taken extraordinary effort to put into a mailbox. I am counting the cards for the final count so it would have helped to have had their cards as well. Ah..........modern life.......the niceties and proper behaviours of the past seemed to all but have disappeared.

The cake is set and I have just received the most beautiful rendition of what it will look like. Need to go buy the 5 and 0 candles to go with it. Have my dress and am totally in love with it. Silver sandals, too. The DJ is set although I still need to decide on the final set up as well as the song set. Haven't done the flowers yet. Reallly need to call on that this week. Guest book is not complete and that is my project for this weekend. Jewelry is also in the works. My ring has gone to the jeweler for repair and I have not heard anything yet. The painting is in for framing. So much to do....... I am attempting to complete by July 1st, but, as Gilda Radner said, "there is always something...".

Work continues well and it is nice to have a continuing paycheck. Was doing well with the 30 day plan and weight loss though hadn't lost as much as I had hoped by today. One more 30 day plan. And probably blew it today with the wine tasting.

Have continued on my decluttering and have progressed to the garage. Took a load of books to the book recycling last weekend and will take the hazardous waste in this weekend. Plastic bottles went in for a cash voucher redeemable at Molly Stones. It bought me half gallon of milk.

Still more cardboard to break down and boxes to go through but I am making progress. Once the garage is done, I can move back into the study and the terminal filing project but, at least will have one more space (the garage) cleaned out and can move the treadmill out there or the chair and put the treadmill in the house where the chair is so that I can use it while watching TV.

I am guessing that is it for now.



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