
Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It is too cold. I am a sunny California girl, born in sunny California on a sunny August day. This cold is very unmotivating for me. Can't get anything done. Just feel down and dreary. Yesterday, I had a bad headache and scratchy throat and just slept all day - after I took my car into the body shop, picked up the rental car, bought dogfood, bought printer ink and went grocery shopping of course. Some things just have to get done whether you like it or not.

Thought I would have lots of energy after finishing radiation but instead just feel blah and draggy. The house is a mess. The yard is a mess. The dogs need walking. When will I feel up to it again?

The body shop called and they are replacing my whole passenger door since the damage was too deep into the door. Will take 3 days for parts to come in and another 4 days to repair, plus weekends. Might get my car back by next Friday. Might not. At least, it is getting fixed. And I continue to be paranoid of parking lots.......


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