
Monday, March 27, 2006

Letting Go

Letting Go.

This is the most difficult thing for me to do. I am sure that it started way back in my childhood but, exactly how and where, I do not know. Yes, there were 5 of us but my parents always worked to make sure we had our own things and didn't have to share everything. As I got into high school, money got tighter, and buying clothes and shopping became a luxury. This continued through college and into most of my early adult life after I bought my first house. I really didn't have any disposable income until I went to work in Japan. It was so nice to buy things but I never wanted to let anything go because I didn't know if I would have money to buy anything else.

So, I kept things........ Among the things that I have found as I have been trying to clean out my house and organize - a daunting and seemingly endless task:

- One pair of shoes, dyed green, from my first bridesmaids experience 25 years ago. These were water-spotted and worn. I am sure that neither I nor anyone else would ever wear them again. Why did I still have them?

- One summer, used to be white, now yellowish dress from 25 years ago and probably not worn in 25 years. Why did I have this?

- My Capri which you have already heard about in other blogs

- phone bills from 1986. Now what would I do with these?

- my first laptop computer. Hasn't worked in at least 10 years and is useless. Sitting out in the garage.

- my first typewriter from college - 27 years ago - not even electric

- endless numbers of shoeboxes

and the list goes on. I can't throw out plants until I am really sure they are dead and only after trying endlessly to revive them and bring them back to life. Its hard to throw out food, although for weight reasons, I have become better at that.

I save everything - bags, boxes, wrapping paper, shoe boxes and never use them again. This weekend also yielded many shoe boxes that will now go to the recycling.
pots from plants I have long ago put into the ground, old bathroom fixtures, pens and pencils that don't work. Some things are sentimental. Most just junk.

Letting go is just so difficult and emotional - not that I am so attached - not at all - don't love these "things" - just can't let them go - they may have some value. I may be able to recycle them. Someone may want them. These are the thoughts that go through my head. But really they are just junk. Get rid of them my mind says. I have come up with a partial solution. Now, I send them to garage pergatory. They go into a garage sale box awaiting my SIL next garage sale or they go to a charitable organization or some days, I go out and throw just a few of them away or put them into recycling. It is working but ever so slow.

This letting go extends to "friends" also. I have many good friends and love them dearly. I will never let go. This makes me a good and loyal friend. However, there are also some toxic folks in my life and I haven't been able to let them go. This is not a good thing. It is not good to be a steady, loyal friend to someone that is poisoning your life any more than it is good to hold on to 20 year old empty shoe boxes. Fortunately, there aren't many of those in my life and I am learning to let them go (both the "empty friendships" and the shoeboxes). Most have disappeared on their own. Gone to greener pastures. Happy Trails to them............ As for me, in the case of my friends and family, I am happy that I can't let go. I love you all.......You are my keepers and I hope I am yours.

As for the other junk......... I will keep working on it! :)

Good day everybody! Enjoy springtime.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Linda C said...

Im glad to hear I am not the only one that has this problem. When wew were packing up to move-- I did a running commentary on the things I was finding .. OMG--
you can read about it at
my blog..wolfsong328

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Seajade said...

Thanks Linda C. Will check out your blog.


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