Rain, rain, go away....
Ok. I've had enough rain. Don't get me wrong. I do like the rain. It makes for nice snuggling up on the couch with a fire and book and glass of wine, keeps the flowers and grass watered and my water bill down and is especially peaceful now that Smokey has his Xanax and doesn't keep me up all night with his panic attacks. But, enough is enough. I want to go out and walk and enjoy the sunshine. The dogs want to go out and walk and enjoy all of the smells. I am starting to feel a little house bound since I don't like walking in the rain and the cold. My body is tired out with the craving for a little exercise (beyond the yoga and quigong). Could we please have some sunshine and warmth for this sungirl? PLEASE?!?
On another front, the doc took a look at the missing stitch yesterday and said that I am healing nicely and quickly. Yeah! He didn't want to put another stitch in because of the fear of infection so just steri-stripped the hole shut. I sure hope I don't get an ugly looking scar. I know that sounds vain but really would like to minimize the amount of scarring on my body and the 1 big and 3 little ones on my chest are already enough for me. If this keeps up, I might have to get a tattoo! jk
I asked my OncDoc what a normal follow-up schedule would be once I finish all of these chemos I have left. Just for the record, no. 8 was half way through. I have 8 or 9 more to go. He told me that I would see him every 6 months for 5 years and then once/year after that. I asked about tests - bone scans, CT scans, CA125 blood tests, lung x-rays, blood tests to check the liver - all measures to check for early metastasis. He said that there is no evidence that those tests find metastasis earlier than a patient's own sense and feelings and, therefore, he would not be performing them as a matter of course but only if I showed symptoms. I am not quite sure how I feel about that. Other survivors I have spoken to definitely have fixed courses of tests and somehow that seems to me the conservative way to go - can't be too careful. I know that if I request them, he will run them but not sure if I should have that burden. I have time to think about it since it is in the future. In the meantime, all of the tests are being run on me anyway since my plastic surgeon has requested them prior to doing the reconstruction.
After that rather long morning, I decided that a movie (or two) was in order. I arrived at the theater and checked what was on the schedule. The only thing starting near that time was Munich, so Munich it was. I bought my ticket, got two scoops of Dreyer's ice cream (Rocky Road and some peanut butter, chocolate concoction) and grabbed a seat. Just for the record, Century theater (or CineArts Century as they are now called) in Mountain View gives really BIG scoops of ice cream. The two I got were more like 4 scoops. Good for the tummy and taste buds but bad for the weight. The movie was not what I expected but okay. I should mention that several hours later when talking with my friend, I totally forgot what movie I had seen or even what it was about. That could be the chemobrain or it could be that the movie just wasn't that good. hmmmmm...
After Munich,which was a double feature with 'the 3 lives of somebody', which I wasn't interested in seeing, I decided to slip into another film. This one was 16 blocks with Bruce Willis and Mos Def. Mos Def was extremely annoying, which was what his character was supposed to be, so I guess he did a good job. The film wasn't bad - just an action flick - and I did remember it several hours later. Hmmmm again. Maybe it is just me and maybe I am demented. Who knows.
This brought me back home again where I spent a quiet evening, spoke to Bachelor #3 and another friend of mine, did a little needlepoint (still the same darn one - will it ever get done?) and went to bed only to be woken up by Smokey when the rain started pounding on the roof. I popped him a Xanax, made him lay down and drifted off to a peaceful sleep on my $5 Costco pillow.
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