
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Another day, another blog

Yes, I realize for anyone reading that I have not blogged in 5 days! Life has just suddenly gotten so busy. For the last 2 weeks, I have had Doctor's appts. 3 times per week and had to throw in one more, for the dogs to get their shots, just for fun. This week, I also have 3 Doctor's appts. That is just the way life is right now. It isn't much more fun for me to do it than it is for you to read about it.

In addition to the Doctor's appts., I closed the books on ATW - Alliance of Technology and Women. Check out their website. www.atwinternational.org. The website is pretty crummy due to the fact that it is created and maintained in Dallas (National HQ) by non-technology folks who don't have any sense of the embarassment it causes those of us here in SV to say that we are a "technology" non-profit and can't even manage the technology of our website. Nevertheless, don't let the website (or my poor grammar) put you off. Check out the events. They really do have good events, workshops, etc. and the price is reasonable.

Anyway, as I was saying, I am the Treasurer and on the board and have to close the books once a month. I did that last week, as well as attend the bi-monthly board meeting.

Over the weekend, I went to the shelter where I volunteer taking care of the dogs - walking them and showing them to prospective adoptive owners. At the moment, we have 2 Staffordshire Terriers (pitbulls to some) that are the sweeetest doggies around. Just roll right over and want their tummies rubbed. Walk right by your side (wish I could get my own to do that regularly). It is sad. Other dogs with worse personalities and behaviours have come and gone but the pits remain. If they weren't tagged with such a bad breed name, they would be the first ones gone. They are so sweet. So, any of you out there that know of someone looking to adopt a pitbull, just let me know. I would love to see these two go to a good home.

On Sunday, a friend who I thought was long lost, called so I went with her to see two movies at the Stanford Theatre on University. It is such a beautiful theatre - restored to the old style with a balcony, nice cushy seats, wide wood floors, each row elevated high above the previous row so there is no problem seeing the movie, beautiful painted wood mouldings and chandeliers. The price is right - $7.00 for a double feature and $1.50 for a medium popcorn. An organ player plays live between features. They only show classic movies. I saw a double feature of The Thin Man and Top Hat (Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers). Both black and whites and amazingly racy. I got a kick out of both. It was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Monday brought back another week of Drs. visits. Went to Quigong and am happy to say that my SIL and her Mom joined me there. I wish everyone could have the experience. A great breakfast (complete with Chocolate milkshake - mmmmmmm!) at Los Altos Coffee shop afterword and then off to the Docs to get my one remaining stitch removed. I am now stitchless - ha ha! Or rather, not in stitches - hee hee! Ok. Ok. That was really bad.

Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening working on FieldDay Solutions. www.fielddaysolutions.com another startup that I have done work with off and on over the last few years. Currently, I am heading up their support efforts and also managing the accounting/finance side of things. This makes for an interesting duality as I prepare support documentation - customer information sheets, installation instructions, FAQs, etc. and then turn to numbers and preparing monthly financial reports and yearly tax forms. It is an interesting experience and I am learning a lot as I go through this. At the moment, we are working on a collaboration with Salesforce.com.

Yesterday evening, I had a pleasant call from Bachelor #3 (yes, I do realize this has seemingly been going on forever but it is really only 1 month tomorrow). We are still trying to arrange our first date after a series of unfortunate events which befell him over the last month. We have agreed on this Friday (St. Patrick's day - hmmm). Keep your fingers crossed that this time we can actually meet and that all goes well.

And finally......drum roll......Today is my dear sister's birthday! Happy Birthday Sis! You might know her as Delirious Mind (her blog). I hope she has a great day! As for me, I am painting today after doing some more followup with Soc. Sec. (still no answers and Kaiser dragging its feet on the paperwork), LA County Recorders office (records for followup on my BC), paying bills and just general catch up on emails and.........

oh yeah.........

writing this (circle one) a. extremely exciting
b. just so so
c. I have nothing better to do so might as well read it
d. better than a kick in the pants
e. would rather have the kick in the pants

That is about it. You should be well into a nice snooze by now if you got this far. Remember no news is a good snooze! or something like that.

Have a great day!


At 2:36 PM, Blogger snarfdog said...

thanks for the birthday wishes. It's a great day so far. Good luck getting those doggies adopted and have fun painting.


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