job, no job.....
Well, I guess that the stars were not so nicely aligned in the job space. Didn't get the finance job. Did get 12 hours a week on the merchandising which will be fun and nice to bring in a few bucks but not really anything sustainable. Better luck next time......
Did have a good time today. Went to visit a friend in Merced that I hadn't seen in about 6 years. Merced, by the way, is a long, long way from here. 133 miles - 2 hours 18 minutes. Not too bad a drive since it is all freeway but still a long time. It was worth it though. I enjoyed visiting with her and her kids - catching up and playing games. It was very late before I got in the car for the ride home and I thought I would just zip right through. Not to be. It seems that California has some major "repair all freeways after 10:00 at night" initiative going on. There were miles and miles of orange cones blocking off all but one lane of each freeway I traveled. Bumper to bumper, 20 mile per hour traffic got really old after a while. I was so excited to get to 680 and a normal speed that I completely took the wrong exit and ended up driving through some very desolate neighborhoods in Fremont. I finally made it back to 680 and the right exit which got me home just after midnight to two very hungry and happy dogs. Even so, it was still all worth it and an enjoyable day. Hope it isn't another 6 years before we visit again.