So, aside from the donut thing, I realize that I haven't written in 9 days. Is there anyone out there who cares? 1 reader, maybe 2?
What have I been doing for those 9 days? That is a good question because I really don't have much recollection of them. (stop what your thinking right now - it isn't a drug or alcohol stupor, I should be so lucky). What have I done? hmmmmm........Well, I was pretty exhausted on the 3rd, which was a Friday, since I had such a busy week. Not much got done except trying to recoup my energy which was so low I could barely move.
Saturday dawned bright and early and I toodled (is that a word?) off to blow up cardinal and gold (not red and yellow but cardinal and gold) balloons for the pre-game USC rally. Was really disappointed that there was no beer being sold since the rally took place at Paly High School but my friends Doug and Kathy came through with an ice chest and a glass of beer for me. Thanks! Next, surprise, surprise, a nice couple came and sat behind us. I stared and tried to place where I knew them from. Finally, the woman came up to me and said my name. She had recognized me. At that point, I realized that she was my old roommate's sorority sister (from undergrad days). Not to date myself but that was long ago. Over the years though, I have seen her a number of times since my roommate and I are still friends. I hadn't seen Elaine in maybe 6 years or more but we recognized each other. Much time was spent then and at halftime catching up and taking pictures. What fun! And yeah, USC won the game against our old rival, Stanford (Beat the Tree), keeping hopes of a national championship alive.
Saturday night was haircut Saturday and I was happy that, at least, I could get a beer there (since there was no beer in the stadium either). I was pretty thirsty by that time.
Needless to say, Sunday took some more recuperation although I have to say that I think I spent more time working around the house than recuperating. No time for blogging.
The next week was a blur. Off to the infusion room on Monday to get my port flushed, then on to Quigong. Home to check emails, phone mails and pursue my job search. Tuesday, I started early in the morning at Oakridge doing merchandising for Swank and then moved on to Valley Fair before heading home where the phone rang just as I walked in. It was the CFO from one of the companies I sent my resume to and an impromptu interview took place right then. Next was a visit to the twins, then painting class and ended up in San Jose at AMTSJ for a production of the King and I. Debbie Boone did well and the sets were some of the best. The king left something to be desired. Kind of small and skinny. It was very funny every time he told Anna (Debbie Boone) that her head had to be below his since she was taller than him.
Wednesday brought more Quigong followed by a long walk with the dogs and a friend of mine, lunch and then a facial/massage/waxing to prepare just in case I got called back in for an interview on Thursday.
Thursday started early (7:15) with the ATW close. My sis came to visit for a short time and I was happy to see her. Then, it was off to Stanford to do some more merchandising for Swank. Return home and finish the ATW close and then off to the ATW Board Meeting. By the time I arrived back home at 9:00, I had had a long day and was very tired. The only disappointing thing was that I did not hear back from the CFO that I had interviewed with. Even if I didn't get the job, I would like to at least hear and get closure.
By Friday, I was exhausted. Not to lose the momentum though, I got up early and went through one of the many piles in my study (yes, the letting go/cleaning up project is still ongoing with too many new piles starting every day). Noontime came before I knew it. I walked the dogs around the block and then did a few more hours of work before I finally sat down to read the paper and catch up on my TIVO recordings.
And then today. Up early again so that I could go to Valley Fair and Stanford to do my merchandising work for Swank at Macy's. Now seems like a good time for a couple of hours of newspaper reading/football watching/sudoku/rest before going to my friend's house for dinner.
Are you bored yet? Wish I had something more exciting to write but that is my life. Frankly, it is exciting enough and busy enough for me. A little more spare time would be appreciated.